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Gay Danish Title ‘In Ashes' Picked Up by M-Appeal

Story by Leo Barraclough
from Variety
Image from Variety
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A young gay Dane turns to online dating to mend his broken heart in the poignant debut feature 'In Ashes' from director Ludvig Christian Næsted Poulsen.
beat sheet
  • M-Appeal has scooped up global sales rights for 'In Ashes,' a buzzworthy LGBTQ+ drama premiering next year that's already generating indie film festival buzz.
  • The film follows Christian, a 20-something Dane, as he navigates the ups and downs of online dating after the end of his first serious relationship, giving audiences an intimate look at the modern gay experience.
call sheet
Ludvig Christian Næsted Poulsen, M-Appeal, In Ashes
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