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Kraven the Hunter: Are There Post-Credits Scenes or a Spider-Man Cameo?

Story by Kofi Outlaw
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
scrn logline
Kraven the Hunter's origin story wows with action, family drama, and teasers for future Spider-Man Universe crossovers.
beat sheet
  • The film's extended epilogue ends with the name-drop of an iconic Spider-Man villain, hinting at Kraven's future adventures.
  • Director J.C. Chandor and star Aaron Taylor-Johnson are eager to explore Kraven battling other Marvel monsters like Morbius or Venom, or finally taking on Spider-Man himself.
call sheet
Kofi Outlaw, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Russell Crowe, Ariana DeBose, Fred Hechinger, Christopher Abbott, Alessandro Nivola, J.C. Chandor, Sony's Spider-Man Universe, Kraven the Hunter (Movie)
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