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Finding Beauty Through Indifference: The Lessons from Marcus Aurelius Explored in Video

Story by Joey Paur
from GeekTyrant
Image from GeekTyrant
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An exploration of the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor, and how his teachings on indifference can inspire a greater appreciation for life's beauty.
beat sheet
  • Director Quentin Tarantino is reportedly in talks to adapt Marcus Aurelius' classic text 'Meditations' into a gritty, neo-noir film exploring the emperor's stoic philosophy.
  • Acclaimed actor Denzel Washington is attached to play the lead role, drawing on his experience with complex, multilayered characters to bring the enigmatic emperor to life on the big screen.
call sheet
Marcus Aurelius, Quentin Tarantino, Denzel Washington, Roman, 'Meditations'
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