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Hollywood Flashback: Steve Guttenberg Played Bachelor Santa in One of Hallmark Channel’s First Holiday Hits

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Ryan Gajewski
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
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Hollywood icon Steve Guttenberg stars in one of Hallmark Channel's first festive hits, playing a bachelor Santa seeking his Mrs. Claus.
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  • Guttenberg praises director Harvey Frost, who used 5 cameras to shoot the 2004 film 'Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus' quickly and efficiently.
  • The movie was so successful it spawned a 2005 sequel, 'Meet the Santas', but plans for a third installment were derailed by 'the machinations of a deal'.
call sheet
Steve Guttenberg, Crystal Bernard, Hallmark Channel, Single Santa Seeks Mrs. Claus, Meet the Santas
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