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The Bizarre Flop That Brought Jack Nicholson And Orson Welles Together

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Bill Bria)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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The odd pairing of Hollywood titans Nicholson and Welles in a forgotten film that tanked, despite its star power.
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  • Nicholson and Welles co-starred in the 1971 flop 'The Last Run,' which flopped despite the duo's legendary status.
  • The film's director, Richard Fleischer, was known for box office duds like 'Soylent Green' and 'Tora! Tora! Tora!', making 'The Last Run' an unlikely team-up of misfits.
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Jack Nicholson, Orson Welles, 'The Last Run'
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