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Kraven the Hunter is a fun, freaky movie that’s 20 years too late

Digital Trends
Story by David Caballero
from Digital Trends
Image from Digital Trends
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Sony's 'Kraven the Hunter' is a delightfully ridiculous blast from the past, a superhero movie that's both flawed and oddly endearing.
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  • Director Dan Trachtenberg (10 Cloverfield Lane) brings his signature style, with a frenetic, over-the-top take on the iconic Marvel villain that feels like a '90s relic come to life.
  • Despite its narrative issues, the film features standout performances from Aaron Taylor-Johnson as the titular hunter and Ariana DeBose as his deadly companion, cementing their status as the new face of Sony's Spider-Man universe.
call sheet
Dan Trachtenberg, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ariana DeBose, Sony, Kraven the Hunter
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