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Kraven the Hunter’s CinemaScore Is Lowest of Sony Marvel Movies (Even Morbius)

Story by Ben Hathaway
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Sony's latest Marvel movie 'Kraven the Hunter' tanks with audiences, earning the lowest CinemaScore ever for a film in their Spider-Man Universe.
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  • Kraven the Hunter received a dismal C rating from CinemaScore, putting it well below the B+ scores for the Venom films and on par with the reviled Morbius and Madame Web.
  • The film's CinemaScore is even lower than the infamous Catwoman, Batman & Robin, and Fantastic Four reboot, making it one of the worst-received superhero movies in recent memory.
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Ben Hathaway, Sony's Spider-Man Universe, Kraven the Hunter (Movie), Venom, Venom: Let There Be Carnage, Venom: The Last Dance, Morbius, Madame Web, Die Hard, The Princess Bride, The Devil Inside, Fantastic Four
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