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Star Trek's William Shatner Had One Condition For His The Big Bang Theory Cameo

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Jaron Pak)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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Legendary 'Star Trek' captain William Shatner finally beamed into 'The Big Bang Theory' on one condition, holding out until the show's final season.
beat sheet
  • Shatner's cameo was a long-sought after appearance, with 'The Big Bang Theory' producers trying for years to get the iconic actor on the show.
  • The caveat? Shatner only agreed to the guest spot on the condition that it be in the final season, giving the series a major boost as it wrapped up its acclaimed 12-year run.
call sheet
William Shatner, The Big Bang Theory, The Big Bang Theory
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