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Kraven the Hunter Flops, Moana 2 and Wicked Get More Christmas Screens

Story by Tom Brueggemann
from IndieWire
Image from IndieWire
scrn logline
Disney's long-awaited 'Moana' sequel scores more holiday screens, while Kraven the Hunter stumbles and indie darlings shine in limited release.
beat sheet
  • Marvel's 'Kraven the Hunter' disappoints, failing to connect with audiences and falling short of box office expectations.
  • The acclaimed literary adaptation 'The Nickel Boys' outperforms the big-budget drama 'September 5' in its platform debut, building early Oscar buzz.
call sheet
Kraven the Hunter, Moana, Disney, Moana 2, Wicked, Nickel Boys, September 5, The Last Showgirl
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