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General Hospital: Why Fans Are Upset With Kristina

Story by Ritika Singh
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
scrn logline
Kristina's bitter feud with sister Molly over a tragic surrogate pregnancy sparks outrage from General Hospital fans craving compassion over vengeance.
beat sheet
  • Kristina blamed Ava for the death of her and Molly's surrogate baby, leading to a tense court battle where Ava was cleared, further angering Kristina.
  • Kristina's cruel taunting of Molly's parenting and marriage has left fans labeling her a 'spoiled brat' who refuses to support her sister during tough times.
call sheet
Kristina, Molly, Ava, T.J., Alexis, General Hospital, General Hospital
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