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Macaulay Culkin Reveals He Almost Bought Iconic Home Alone House

Story by Michael Hein
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Macaulay Culkin reveals he almost bought the iconic Home Alone house to create a movie-themed fun house, but ultimately had to pass due to his busy family life.
beat sheet
  • Culkin described plans to turn the Home Alone house into a 'movie fun house' with attractions like a sled ride down the stairs and booby trap recreations, all for fans to experience.
  • Culkin said his rise to child stardom was a 'curse and a blessing', but he now views the Home Alone franchise through a different lens as a parent watching it with his own kids.
call sheet
Macaulay Culkin, Brenda Song, Home Alone, Disney+, Home Alone
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