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One Infamous Horror Sequel Was Very Different Before Scott Derrickson Took Over

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Kieran Fisher)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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Horror icon Hellraiser was nearly rebooted with a drastically different vision before producers tapped Scott Derrickson to steer the franchise in a new direction.
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  • The producers originally wanted to take the Hellraiser series in a more conventional, high-budget horror direction before Derrickson convinced them to embrace the series' iconic, gritty roots.
  • Derrickson's darker, more faithful take on Hellraiser is generating major buzz in Hollywood, with insiders claiming it could revive the long-running franchise and introduce the Cenobites to a new generation of horror fans.
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Scott Derrickson, Hellraiser franchise, Hellraiser
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