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Two Luigi Mangione Documentaries Are in the Works (So Far)

Story by Unknown
from Vulture
Image from Vulture
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Legendary mobster Luigi Mangione is the focus of not one, but two high-profile documentaries from acclaimed filmmakers Alex Gibney and Stephen Robert Morse.
beat sheet
  • Gibney, the Oscar-winning director behind 'Taxi to the Dark Side', is teaming up with Jigsaw Productions and Anonymous Content to tell Mangione's story on the big screen.
  • Morse, who directed the hit true-crime doc 'Amanda Knox', is also getting in on the action with a separate Mangione project, further fueling Hollywood's insatiable appetite for true-crime tales.
call sheet
Luigi Mangione, Alex Gibney, Stephen Robert Morse, Jigsaw Productions, Anonymous Content, UnitedhealthCare, Taxi to the Dark Side, Amanda Knox
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