The beloved Australian animated series 'Bluey' is getting the big-screen treatment, with Disney and BBC Studios teaming up for a blockbuster 2027 movie release.
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The 'Bluey' movie will mark the first time the hit family-friendly show leaps from the small screen to the silver screen, delighting fans worldwide.
Disney and BBC Studios are co-producing the feature-length film, tapping into the series' massive global appeal and bringing the Heeler family's adventures to life on a grand scale.
The beloved Australian animated series 'Bluey' is getting the big-screen treatment, with Disney and BBC Studios teaming up for a blockbuster 2027 movie release.
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The 'Bluey' movie will mark the first time the hit family-friendly show leaps from the small screen to the silver screen, delighting fans worldwide.
Disney and BBC Studios are co-producing the feature-length film, tapping into the series' massive global appeal and bringing the Heeler family's adventures to life on a grand scale.