Beloved Australian animated series 'Bluey' set to make the leap to the big screen, delivering a bigger-than-life adventure for its loyal fans.
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The 'Bluey' feature film is slated for a 2027 release, giving the production team ample time to bring the beloved pup's world to life on the silver screen.
With the show's creator, Joe Brumm, at the helm, fans can expect the same heartwarming storytelling and relatable family dynamics that have made 'Bluey' a global phenomenon.
Beloved Australian animated series 'Bluey' set to make the leap to the big screen, delivering a bigger-than-life adventure for its loyal fans.
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The 'Bluey' feature film is slated for a 2027 release, giving the production team ample time to bring the beloved pup's world to life on the silver screen.
With the show's creator, Joe Brumm, at the helm, fans can expect the same heartwarming storytelling and relatable family dynamics that have made 'Bluey' a global phenomenon.