The Big Bang Theory, the beloved sitcom, lands on Nick at Nite and MTV, bringing its geeky charm to a whole new generation of viewers.
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Starting December 24th, Nickelodeon's late-night block will air a two-day marathon of holiday-themed Big Bang Theory episodes, giving fans a festive treat.
Beginning December 27th, Nick at Nite will start airing the show daily from 12-2 AM, starting with Season 4, ensuring the series' cult following can binge-watch their favorite episodes around the clock.
call sheet
Chuck Lorre, Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory, the beloved sitcom, lands on Nick at Nite and MTV, bringing its geeky charm to a whole new generation of viewers.
beat sheet
Starting December 24th, Nickelodeon's late-night block will air a two-day marathon of holiday-themed Big Bang Theory episodes, giving fans a festive treat.
Beginning December 27th, Nick at Nite will start airing the show daily from 12-2 AM, starting with Season 4, ensuring the series' cult following can binge-watch their favorite episodes around the clock.
call sheet
Chuck Lorre, Paramount, MTV, Nickelodeon, The Big Bang Theory