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I’ve Been Enjoying Matlock, But There’s One Thing About It That Drives Me Crazy

Story by Unknown
from Cinemablend
Image from Cinemablend
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Beloved 90s legal drama 'Matlock' has one nagging flaw that its biggest fan just can't shake, giving Hollywood a peek behind the curtain of a TV critic's inner turmoil.
beat sheet
  • Despite loving the show's classic network TV procedural charm, the critic admits there's 'one thing' about 'Matlock' that is driving them crazy, leaving fans wondering what dark secret could possibly taint their nostalgic courtroom drama
  • The critic has officially committed to 'Matlock' as part of their regular TV rotation, signaling that whatever this mysterious flaw is, it's not enough to derail their passion for Andy Griffith's iconic defense attorney
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Andy Griffith, Matlock
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