The beloved FX vampire mockumentary 'What We Do in the Shadows' takes its final bow, as the series wraps up with a critically acclaimed 6th season.
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After six hilarious seasons, the show's creator confirmed 'What We Do in the Shadows' will not return for a 7th, marking the end of this beloved vampire comedy's run.
FX chairman John Landgraf praised the show's 'great six-year run', saying it had reached a 'natural conclusion' - leaving fans to savor the series' signature mix of supernatural hijinks and sharp social satire.
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Nandor, Colin Robinson, Nadja, Laszlo, FX, What We Do in the Shadows
The beloved FX vampire mockumentary 'What We Do in the Shadows' takes its final bow, as the series wraps up with a critically acclaimed 6th season.
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After six hilarious seasons, the show's creator confirmed 'What We Do in the Shadows' will not return for a 7th, marking the end of this beloved vampire comedy's run.
FX chairman John Landgraf praised the show's 'great six-year run', saying it had reached a 'natural conclusion' - leaving fans to savor the series' signature mix of supernatural hijinks and sharp social satire.
call sheet
Nandor, Colin Robinson, Nadja, Laszlo, FX, What We Do in the Shadows