The beloved 'Before' series wraps up with an emotional finale, delivering unexpected twists and a bittersweet goodbye to its ghostly characters.
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Series creator Sarah Thorp reveals the finale's most surprising moment: a cameo from veteran actor Judith Light, playing a pivotal role in the Jupe family's journey.
Leading man Jacobi Jupe delivers a tour-de-force performance, earning praise from co-stars Billy Crystal and Hope Davis for his nuanced portrayal of a man haunted by the past.
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Sarah Thorp, Judith Light, Jacobi Jupe, Billy Crystal, Hope Davis, Apple TV+, 'Before' series
The beloved 'Before' series wraps up with an emotional finale, delivering unexpected twists and a bittersweet goodbye to its ghostly characters.
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Series creator Sarah Thorp reveals the finale's most surprising moment: a cameo from veteran actor Judith Light, playing a pivotal role in the Jupe family's journey.
Leading man Jacobi Jupe delivers a tour-de-force performance, earning praise from co-stars Billy Crystal and Hope Davis for his nuanced portrayal of a man haunted by the past.
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Sarah Thorp, Judith Light, Jacobi Jupe, Billy Crystal, Hope Davis, Apple TV+, 'Before' series