An unexpected cosmic journey unfolds in the cryptic short film 'Utility Poles', where a professor's missing wife has a strange obsession with overlooked power lines.
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Director Oner Macit's intentional minimalist style in the first half of the film initially confounds the viewer, only to deliver a visually stunning, Kubrick-esque cosmic finale that leaves audiences spellbound.
The film's central mystery revolves around a professor whose wife, Rose, disappeared after becoming fixated on watching utility poles, a narrative thread that echoes an ancient Mesopotamian tale of a woman who saw a cosmic vision no one else believed.
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Rose Ham, Rafy Sabry, Juliette Malykh, Charlotte Bonn, Utility Poles
An unexpected cosmic journey unfolds in the cryptic short film 'Utility Poles', where a professor's missing wife has a strange obsession with overlooked power lines.
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Director Oner Macit's intentional minimalist style in the first half of the film initially confounds the viewer, only to deliver a visually stunning, Kubrick-esque cosmic finale that leaves audiences spellbound.
The film's central mystery revolves around a professor whose wife, Rose, disappeared after becoming fixated on watching utility poles, a narrative thread that echoes an ancient Mesopotamian tale of a woman who saw a cosmic vision no one else believed.
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Rose Ham, Rafy Sabry, Juliette Malykh, Charlotte Bonn, Utility Poles