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Superman: Who Is the Main Villain of James Gunn’s DCU Movie?

Story by Abdul Azim Naushad
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
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The highly anticipated DCU Superman film has fans buzzing about who will be the main villain, with Lex Luthor, Ultraman, and The Engineer emerging as top contenders.
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  • Lex Luthor is set to play a pivotal role, with the teaser hinting that he has trapped Superman in a cell and is plotting to destroy the hero using solar radiation to amplify his powers and give him just one year to live.
  • Ultraman is another potential antagonist, with the trailer suggesting he may have caused the injuries seen on Superman in the opening moments.
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James Gunn, Lex Luthor, Ultraman, Angela Spica, DCU, Superman
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