In the dark new Netflix series 'Zero Day,' Robert De Niro races against time to investigate a devastating cyberattack that's crippling the nation.
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De Niro plays a seasoned FBI agent tasked with unraveling the complex web of digital threats behind the attack, drawing on his decades of experience to track down the culprits.
The series boasts a star-studded cast including Viola Davis, Michael Keaton, and Thandie Newton, promising a high-stakes thriller that delves into the chilling realities of modern cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
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Robert De Niro, Viola Davis, Michael Keaton, Thandie Newton, Netflix, Zero Day
In the dark new Netflix series 'Zero Day,' Robert De Niro races against time to investigate a devastating cyberattack that's crippling the nation.
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De Niro plays a seasoned FBI agent tasked with unraveling the complex web of digital threats behind the attack, drawing on his decades of experience to track down the culprits.
The series boasts a star-studded cast including Viola Davis, Michael Keaton, and Thandie Newton, promising a high-stakes thriller that delves into the chilling realities of modern cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
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Robert De Niro, Viola Davis, Michael Keaton, Thandie Newton, Netflix, Zero Day