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Karate Kid Legends Can’t Fix the Remake (But Can Have Fun With It)

Story by Brad Curran
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Cobra Kai's final chapter sets the stage for a new Karate Kid movie that sees Daniel LaRusso team up with Jackie Chan's Mr. Han to train a new generation of martial artists.
beat sheet
  • Karate Kid: Legends retcons the 2010 Karate Kid movie as part of the main franchise, allowing for a fun, fourth-wall-breaking dynamic between Daniel and Mr. Han as they reflect on their shared mentor, Mr. Miyagi.
  • Despite the 2010 Karate Kid movie's title mismatch with its kung fu-focused plot, Karate Kid: Legends can at least acknowledge the absurdity of two martial artists going through nearly identical training journeys decades apart.
call sheet
Ralph Macchio, Jackie Chan, Ben Wang, Netflix, Cobra Kai, Karate Kid: Legends, Cobra Kai, The Karate Kid
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