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Sorry Superman, Marvel Still Has the Best Superhero Movie Teaser Trailer

Story by Lisa Laman
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Exclusive look at how the iconic Spider-Man teaser trailer ushered in the superhero blockbuster era, setting a new standard for cinematic hype that even the latest Superman movie can't match.
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  • The Spider-Man teaser in 2001 was a fully-realized short film with an elaborate bank heist sequence, unlike today's trailers that just use recycled movie footage.
  • The Spider-Man teaser's tragic legacy was cemented by its prominent use of the Twin Towers, which became a haunting relic of a pre-9/11 era when they were seen as a permanent NYC landmark.
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James Gunn, Tobey Maguire, DCU (Film Franchise), ComicBook.com, Superman (2025), Spider-Man
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