Hasbro and Paramount join forces to reboot the iconic Power Rangers franchise, aiming to launch a fresh theatrical take by 2026.
beat sheet
Negotiations between Hasbro and Paramount have been ongoing for months, with both companies open to a buyout of the property rights if the price is right.
The upcoming reboot will not be tied to the previously-planned Netflix Power Rangers universe, marking a completely fresh start for the beloved superhero team.
call sheet
Olivier Dumont, Hasbro, Paramount, Skydance, Playmates Toys, Power Rangers Reboot, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Once & Always
Hasbro and Paramount join forces to reboot the iconic Power Rangers franchise, aiming to launch a fresh theatrical take by 2026.
beat sheet
Negotiations between Hasbro and Paramount have been ongoing for months, with both companies open to a buyout of the property rights if the price is right.
The upcoming reboot will not be tied to the previously-planned Netflix Power Rangers universe, marking a completely fresh start for the beloved superhero team.
call sheet
Olivier Dumont, Hasbro, Paramount, Skydance, Playmates Toys, Power Rangers Reboot, Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Once & Always