Beloved 2000s sitcom 'Scrubs' gears up for a highly anticipated revival, with creator Bill Lawrence spilling the beans on what's in store for the iconic hospital crew.
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Lawrence confirms the revival will feature the original cast, including Zach Braff, Donald Faison, and Sarah Chalke, who are all 'excited to get the band back together'.
The new episodes will explore how the characters' lives have evolved 15 years after the series finale, with a focus on 'how they're navigating the changes of middle age'.
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Bill Lawrence, Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, 'Scrubs'
Beloved 2000s sitcom 'Scrubs' gears up for a highly anticipated revival, with creator Bill Lawrence spilling the beans on what's in store for the iconic hospital crew.
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Lawrence confirms the revival will feature the original cast, including Zach Braff, Donald Faison, and Sarah Chalke, who are all 'excited to get the band back together'.
The new episodes will explore how the characters' lives have evolved 15 years after the series finale, with a focus on 'how they're navigating the changes of middle age'.
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Bill Lawrence, Zach Braff, Donald Faison, Sarah Chalke, 'Scrubs'