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Michael Dorn's Most Challenging Worf Storyline On Star Trek: The Next Generation

Story by staff@slashfilm.com (Danielle Ryan)
from SlashFilm
Image from SlashFilm
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Veteran Klingon actor Michael Dorn opens up about his most challenging 'Star Trek: TNG' storyline as fan-favorite character Worf.
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  • According to Dorn, the most challenging Worf storyline was when the character's foster brother Kurn appeared, forcing him to grapple with Klingon family dynamics and honor codes - a nuanced cultural territory Dorn had to navigate carefully.
  • Dorn reveals that the emotional complexity of the Kurn storyline pushed him to deliver one of his most layered and compelling performances as Worf, solidifying the character's status as a fan-favorite among Trekkies.
call sheet
Michael Dorn, Star Trek: The Next Generation
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