Buckle up for the supersonic thrills of LINE, a visually striking animated short film that takes viewers on a high-speed test drive through a pixel art world.
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The film's director, acclaimed animator Masashi Kawamura, is known for his inventive use of 8-bit aesthetics and retro-futuristic stylings.
With a runtime of just 6 minutes, LINE packs a punch, delivering a high-octane joyride that's sure to leave audiences craving more of this pixel-perfect universe.
Buckle up for the supersonic thrills of LINE, a visually striking animated short film that takes viewers on a high-speed test drive through a pixel art world.
beat sheet
The film's director, acclaimed animator Masashi Kawamura, is known for his inventive use of 8-bit aesthetics and retro-futuristic stylings.
With a runtime of just 6 minutes, LINE packs a punch, delivering a high-octane joyride that's sure to leave audiences craving more of this pixel-perfect universe.