The untold story behind the iconic action franchise 'Die Hard' - from its unlikely origins as a sequel to a forgotten 1960s cop flick to its enduring legacy as a yuletide classic.
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Die Hard was originally written as a sequel to the 1968 film The Detective, which starred Frank Sinatra as the protagonist Joe Leland - a connection that was ultimately removed from the script.
The Die Hard franchise has spawned a massive five-film saga, along with video games, TV show proposals, and countless ripoffs - cementing its status as one of Hollywood's most enduring action franchises.
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Roderick Thorp, Frank Sinatra, ScreenCrush, Die Hard, Nothing Lasts Forever, The Detective
The untold story behind the iconic action franchise 'Die Hard' - from its unlikely origins as a sequel to a forgotten 1960s cop flick to its enduring legacy as a yuletide classic.
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Die Hard was originally written as a sequel to the 1968 film The Detective, which starred Frank Sinatra as the protagonist Joe Leland - a connection that was ultimately removed from the script.
The Die Hard franchise has spawned a massive five-film saga, along with video games, TV show proposals, and countless ripoffs - cementing its status as one of Hollywood's most enduring action franchises.
call sheet
Roderick Thorp, Frank Sinatra, ScreenCrush, Die Hard, Nothing Lasts Forever, The Detective