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Christopher Nolan’s The Odyssey To Be Director’s Most Expensive Movie

Story by Anthony Nash
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
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Christopher Nolan's epic adaptation of 'The Odyssey' sets a new budget record, as the visionary director readies his most ambitious project to date.
beat sheet
  • Nolan's 'The Odyssey' is poised to become the most expensive film of his career, surpassing even the $250-300 million budget of 'The Dark Knight'.
  • The star-studded cast includes Robert Pattinson, Matt Damon, Tom Holland, and Anne Hathaway as the 'core leads', plus supporting roles for Lupita Nyong'o and Zendaya.
call sheet
Christopher Nolan, Robert Pattinson, Matt Damon, Tom Holland, Anne Hathaway, Lupita Nyong'o, Zendaya, Charlize Theron, Universal, Universal Pictures, The Odyssey
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