Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor shakes up his image, taking on the villain role in the latest installment of the blockbuster 'Singham' cop franchise.
beat sheet
Kapoor's turn as the antagonist 'Danger Lanka' marks a calculated departure from his traditional leading man roles, signaling a career reset.
The 'Singham Again' film is the fifth entry in director Rohit Shetty's popular 'Singham' universe, which kicked off with the 2010 Tamil hit 'Singam' starring Suriya.
Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor shakes up his image, taking on the villain role in the latest installment of the blockbuster 'Singham' cop franchise.
beat sheet
Kapoor's turn as the antagonist 'Danger Lanka' marks a calculated departure from his traditional leading man roles, signaling a career reset.
The 'Singham Again' film is the fifth entry in director Rohit Shetty's popular 'Singham' universe, which kicked off with the 2010 Tamil hit 'Singam' starring Suriya.