Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor takes a bold career pivot, playing the villain in the latest action-packed installment of Rohit Shetty's blockbuster 'Singham' franchise.
beat sheet
Kapoor, known for his leading man roles, is shaking things up by portraying the antagonist 'Danger Lanka' in 'Singham Again', the 5th film in Shetty's popular cop universe.
The franchise, originally based on the 2010 Tamil hit 'Singam', has become a Bollywood juggernaut, cementing Shetty's reputation as the king of high-octane action films.
Bollywood star Arjun Kapoor takes a bold career pivot, playing the villain in the latest action-packed installment of Rohit Shetty's blockbuster 'Singham' franchise.
beat sheet
Kapoor, known for his leading man roles, is shaking things up by portraying the antagonist 'Danger Lanka' in 'Singham Again', the 5th film in Shetty's popular cop universe.
The franchise, originally based on the 2010 Tamil hit 'Singam', has become a Bollywood juggernaut, cementing Shetty's reputation as the king of high-octane action films.