Renowned Hollywood marketing maven Chris Pula, known for groundbreaking campaigns, leaves legacy as a philanthropist after career at top studios.
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Pula's decorated resume includes stints at New Line, Warner Bros, Fox, and Disney, creating iconic campaigns for films like Se7en, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber.
After leaving the business, Pula dedicated himself to philanthropy and volunteering at a Soup Kitchen in Provincetown, Massachusetts, cementing his legacy beyond just movie marketing.
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Chris Pula, New Line, Warner Bros, Fox, Disney, Se7en, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber
Renowned Hollywood marketing maven Chris Pula, known for groundbreaking campaigns, leaves legacy as a philanthropist after career at top studios.
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Pula's decorated resume includes stints at New Line, Warner Bros, Fox, and Disney, creating iconic campaigns for films like Se7en, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber.
After leaving the business, Pula dedicated himself to philanthropy and volunteering at a Soup Kitchen in Provincetown, Massachusetts, cementing his legacy beyond just movie marketing.
call sheet
Chris Pula, New Line, Warner Bros, Fox, Disney, Se7en, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber