Veteran sitcom creator Bill Lawrence weighs in on the risks and rewards of reviving his beloved medical comedy 'Scrubs' for a new generation.
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Lawrence was initially hesitant about a 'Scrubs' reboot, fearing it could 'ruin the legacy' of the original, but now sees it as a 'no-lose' opportunity
The reboot will feature a mix of new and returning characters, allowing the show to evolve while honoring its roots, according to Lawrence
Veteran sitcom creator Bill Lawrence weighs in on the risks and rewards of reviving his beloved medical comedy 'Scrubs' for a new generation.
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Lawrence was initially hesitant about a 'Scrubs' reboot, fearing it could 'ruin the legacy' of the original, but now sees it as a 'no-lose' opportunity
The reboot will feature a mix of new and returning characters, allowing the show to evolve while honoring its roots, according to Lawrence