Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun lead a cosmic love story spanning billions of years, directed by the Zuchero brothers for Bleecker Street.
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Love Me marks the directorial debut of filmmaking duo Sam and Andy Zuchero, who penned the script exploring love through the lens of cosmic time.
Sundance audiences raved about the film's visually stunning blend of sci-fi, romance, and philosophical themes, positioning it as a potential awards season contender.
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Kristen Stewart, Steven Yeun, Sam Zuchero, Andy Zuchero, Bleecker Street, Love Me
Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun lead a cosmic love story spanning billions of years, directed by the Zuchero brothers for Bleecker Street.
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Love Me marks the directorial debut of filmmaking duo Sam and Andy Zuchero, who penned the script exploring love through the lens of cosmic time.
Sundance audiences raved about the film's visually stunning blend of sci-fi, romance, and philosophical themes, positioning it as a potential awards season contender.
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Kristen Stewart, Steven Yeun, Sam Zuchero, Andy Zuchero, Bleecker Street, Love Me