Top Malayalam talent unites for an untitled project from 'Manjummel Boys' director and 'Aavesham' writer, setting the stage for another potential blockbuster.
beat sheet
The new Malayalam-language film brings together Chidambaram, director of the 2024 hit 'Manjummel Boys', and Jithu Madhavan, writer of the acclaimed 'Aavesham'.
The project is a partnership between India's KVN Productions and Thespian Films, signaling a high-profile collaboration that could replicate the success of the directors' previous works.
Top Malayalam talent unites for an untitled project from 'Manjummel Boys' director and 'Aavesham' writer, setting the stage for another potential blockbuster.
beat sheet
The new Malayalam-language film brings together Chidambaram, director of the 2024 hit 'Manjummel Boys', and Jithu Madhavan, writer of the acclaimed 'Aavesham'.
The project is a partnership between India's KVN Productions and Thespian Films, signaling a high-profile collaboration that could replicate the success of the directors' previous works.