Tak Rennod, a notorious Star Wars pirate, is the focus of a new episode of Skeleton Crew, shedding light on his mysterious past and the legendary planet he desperately sought.
beat sheet
Rennod was a fearsome pirate who attacked starships in search of the legendary planet At Attin, known as the 'lost planet of eternal treasure' and the Old Republic's mint.
In a shocking twist, Rennod killed his own crew after finding At Attin's coordinates, then ensured their deaths by crashing his ship on the planet, meeting his own demise in the process.
call sheet
Tak Rennod, Old Republic, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew
Tak Rennod, a notorious Star Wars pirate, is the focus of a new episode of Skeleton Crew, shedding light on his mysterious past and the legendary planet he desperately sought.
beat sheet
Rennod was a fearsome pirate who attacked starships in search of the legendary planet At Attin, known as the 'lost planet of eternal treasure' and the Old Republic's mint.
In a shocking twist, Rennod killed his own crew after finding At Attin's coordinates, then ensured their deaths by crashing his ship on the planet, meeting his own demise in the process.
call sheet
Tak Rennod, Old Republic, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew