Maddock Films expands its horror-comedy superhero universe with highly anticipated sequels to 'Stree' and 'Munjya' leading the charge.
beat sheet
The studio plans to release 8 interconnected films in the next 4 years, building on the success of its 2024 blockbusters 'Stree 2' and 'Munjya'.
Maddock's ambitious cinematic universe will blend horror-comedy and superhero narratives, promising a fresh genre-blending cinematic experience for Indian audiences.
Maddock Films expands its horror-comedy superhero universe with highly anticipated sequels to 'Stree' and 'Munjya' leading the charge.
beat sheet
The studio plans to release 8 interconnected films in the next 4 years, building on the success of its 2024 blockbusters 'Stree 2' and 'Munjya'.
Maddock's ambitious cinematic universe will blend horror-comedy and superhero narratives, promising a fresh genre-blending cinematic experience for Indian audiences.