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Bobby’s Intermission

Film Threat
Story by Alan Ng
scrn logline
A young aspiring filmmaker rallies his friends to save their local drive-in theater and pursue their dreams in this heartwarming ode to the power of community and cinema.
beat sheet
  • Writer-director Justin Atkinson's passion for filmmaking shines through in the film's creative use of CG animation for the protagonist's short sci-fi thriller, which looks impressively polished for a small indie production.
  • While the film has a feel-good, after-school special vibe, it offers a valuable lesson on the importance of community and shared love of movies, as seen in the drive-in owners' dilemma over selling their beloved theater.
call sheet
Justin Atkinson, David Griffith, Spencer La Casse, Rommy Romero, Adriana Tokin, Paul Vang, Brad Belich, Stephanie Cudd, USC, Bobby's Intermission
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