The epic tale of how Devastator, the iconic Transformers villain, became a colossal 52,000-part behemoth that pushed the limits of ILM's visual effects technology.
beat sheet
Director Michael Bay demanded Devastator be the biggest, most complex Transformer ever created, requiring a staggering 52,000 individual CGI parts.
The sheer size of Devastator melted ILM's computers during rendering, forcing the team to develop new, more powerful systems to bring the towering titan to life.
call sheet
Michael Bay, ILM (Industrial Light & Magic), TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN
The epic tale of how Devastator, the iconic Transformers villain, became a colossal 52,000-part behemoth that pushed the limits of ILM's visual effects technology.
beat sheet
Director Michael Bay demanded Devastator be the biggest, most complex Transformer ever created, requiring a staggering 52,000 individual CGI parts.
The sheer size of Devastator melted ILM's computers during rendering, forcing the team to develop new, more powerful systems to bring the towering titan to life.
call sheet
Michael Bay, ILM (Industrial Light & Magic), TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN