A hilarious new horror comedy short film follows a man-child who accidentally traps himself inside a puppet, unable to get back to his 'old fleshy meat bag self'.
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The short film 'Meat Puppet' won the Audience Award at the 2024 SXSW Film Festival and stars the talented young actor David Jonsson from 'Alien: Romulus' and 'Rye Lane'.
The film was written and directed by British-Greek filmmaker Eros V, who was inspired by classic morality tale comedies like 'Liar Liar', 'Big', and 'Bruce Almighty' to create this absurd and exceptionally awkward concept.
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David Jonsson, Máiréad Tyers, Gregg Chilingirian, Hugh Purves, Eros V, Leah Draws, Masha Thorpe, James Patterson, Miguel Carmenes, Pablo Scopinaro, Runt Films, Maypole Production, Meat Puppet
A hilarious new horror comedy short film follows a man-child who accidentally traps himself inside a puppet, unable to get back to his 'old fleshy meat bag self'.
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The short film 'Meat Puppet' won the Audience Award at the 2024 SXSW Film Festival and stars the talented young actor David Jonsson from 'Alien: Romulus' and 'Rye Lane'.
The film was written and directed by British-Greek filmmaker Eros V, who was inspired by classic morality tale comedies like 'Liar Liar', 'Big', and 'Bruce Almighty' to create this absurd and exceptionally awkward concept.
call sheet
David Jonsson, Máiréad Tyers, Gregg Chilingirian, Hugh Purves, Eros V, Leah Draws, Masha Thorpe, James Patterson, Miguel Carmenes, Pablo Scopinaro, Runt Films, Maypole Production, Meat Puppet