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Why Fans Think Andrew Garfield Will Be in Spider-Man 4 After No Way Home

Story by Vritti Johar
from ComingSoon.net
Image from ComingSoon.net
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Andrew Garfield's cryptic Spider-Man 4 comments spark fan frenzy as the franchise's future hangs in the balance.
beat sheet
  • Garfield denied current involvement in Spider-Man 4 but left the door open, saying he'd consider a return 'if it felt in line with my soul'.
  • With Spider-Man 4 slated for 2026, rumors suggest Sony may aim to involve Garfield and Tobey Maguire alongside Tom Holland, but no official casting has been announced.
call sheet
Andrew Garfield, GQ, Sony, Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Avengers, Spider-Man 4, Spider-Man: No Way Home
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