Rising comedy star Nikki Glaser takes the Hollywood spotlight as the host of the prestigious Golden Globes, determined to avoid a disastrous debut like Jo Koy's.
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Glaser is riding high after her breakout 2024, earning awards buzz for her HBO special and roasting Tom Brady on Netflix
As the first female comedian to host the Globes solo since Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Glaser knows all eyes will be on her to deliver a memorable, controversy-free performance
call sheet
Nikki Glaser, Jo Koy, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, HBO, Netflix, Someday You'll Die, The Roast of Tom Brady
Rising comedy star Nikki Glaser takes the Hollywood spotlight as the host of the prestigious Golden Globes, determined to avoid a disastrous debut like Jo Koy's.
beat sheet
Glaser is riding high after her breakout 2024, earning awards buzz for her HBO special and roasting Tom Brady on Netflix
As the first female comedian to host the Globes solo since Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Glaser knows all eyes will be on her to deliver a memorable, controversy-free performance
call sheet
Nikki Glaser, Jo Koy, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, HBO, Netflix, Someday You'll Die, The Roast of Tom Brady