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First Look at The Fantastic Four Team in MARVEL RIVALS

Story by Joey Paur
from GeekTyrant
Image from GeekTyrant
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Marvel's latest superhero blockbuster, RIVALS, unveils a fresh Fantastic Four lineup, shaking up the cinematic universe with a bold new direction.
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  • Hollywood insiders reveal that Miles Teller, Margot Robbie, John Krasinski, and Zendaya form the new Fantastic Four team, bringing a younger, more diverse spin to the iconic characters.
  • Directed by up-and-coming visionary Ava DuVernay, RIVALS promises to explore the rivalries and power struggles within the Marvel universe, hinting at a game-changing storyline that could reshape the future of the franchise.
call sheet
Miles Teller, Margot Robbie, John Krasinski, Zendaya, Ava DuVernay, Marvel, RIVALS
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