Long-standing Oscars rules shaken up by the unexpected rise of two movie musicals that forced the Academy to adapt its prestigious awards.
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The 2001 movie musical 'Moulin Rouge!' featured a record-breaking 7 original songs nominated for the Best Original Song Oscar, upending the traditional one-song-per-film limit.
The 2002 smash hit 'Chicago' continued the trend, resulting in the Academy permanently revising their Best Original Song rules to allow up to 5 nominations per film.
Long-standing Oscars rules shaken up by the unexpected rise of two movie musicals that forced the Academy to adapt its prestigious awards.
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The 2001 movie musical 'Moulin Rouge!' featured a record-breaking 7 original songs nominated for the Best Original Song Oscar, upending the traditional one-song-per-film limit.
The 2002 smash hit 'Chicago' continued the trend, resulting in the Academy permanently revising their Best Original Song rules to allow up to 5 nominations per film.