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“Dear Remy”: Hollywood Life Coach Helps a Producer Say No and a Casting Agent Say Less

The Hollywood Reporter
Story by Benjamin Svetkey
from The Hollywood Reporter
Image from The Hollywood Reporter
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Hollywood's top coach helps producers, actors, and casting directors navigate the industry's ups and downs with advice on saying no, handling rejection, and redeeming one's reputation.
beat sheet
  • A producer struggles with turning down a sure-fire box office hit reboot that doesn't excite them, fearing the career consequences of being seen as 'too good' for certain projects.
  • A casting director known for her brutal honesty decides to change her ways and rebuild a kinder reputation, realizing real change requires intention, not just appearances.
call sheet
Remy Blumenfeld, Edward Scissorhands, Regina George, Hollywood, Rotten Tomatoes, "Dear Remy", Oscar
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