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The Best Star Wars Trailer Is From the Worst Movie in the Franchise

Story by Lisa Laman
from ComicBook.com
Image from ComicBook.com
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Surprisingly, the best Star Wars trailer ever comes from the franchise's weakest film, 'The Phantom Menace', showcasing the saga's grand imagery and potential.
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  • The 1998 teaser trailer for 'The Phantom Menace' is considered a work of art, with its striking visuals and John Williams' iconic score captivating audiences even decades later.
  • The teaser's scarcity back in 1998 added to its mystique, as fans would flock to screenings of unrelated films just to catch a glimpse of the new Star Wars footage on the big screen.
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George Lucas, ComicBook.com, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, Prometheus, Cats, Star Wars, The Rise of Skywalker
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