A captivating death row documentary that explores the final moments and legacy of inmate John Henry Ramirez through the lens of director Smriti Mundhra.
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Director Smriti Mundhra gained unprecedented access to death row inmate John Henry Ramirez, capturing his final words 'I am ready, Warden' before execution.
The documentary 'I Am Ready, Warden' is shortlisted for the Oscars, showcasing Mundhra's powerful storytelling and the film's potential to spark conversations around the death penalty.
call sheet
Smriti Mundhra, John Henry Ramirez, MTV Documentary Films, Department of Criminal Justice, I Am Ready, Warden
A captivating death row documentary that explores the final moments and legacy of inmate John Henry Ramirez through the lens of director Smriti Mundhra.
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Director Smriti Mundhra gained unprecedented access to death row inmate John Henry Ramirez, capturing his final words 'I am ready, Warden' before execution.
The documentary 'I Am Ready, Warden' is shortlisted for the Oscars, showcasing Mundhra's powerful storytelling and the film's potential to spark conversations around the death penalty.
call sheet
Smriti Mundhra, John Henry Ramirez, MTV Documentary Films, Department of Criminal Justice, I Am Ready, Warden