Honey-loving Pooh Bear and his monstrous cohorts get a new supervillain to contend with in the upcoming 'Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble' film.
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The primary villain for 'Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble' will be a power-hungry, honey-obsessed Heffalump named Hector, who aims to control the Hundred Acre Wood's sweet supply.
Producer Piglet revealed that Hector will team up with two other iconic Pooh baddies - Rabbit's jealous cousin Rabies, and the mischievous Squirrel Sisters - to form an unstoppable villainy trio.
Honey-loving Pooh Bear and his monstrous cohorts get a new supervillain to contend with in the upcoming 'Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble' film.
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The primary villain for 'Poohniverse: Monsters Assemble' will be a power-hungry, honey-obsessed Heffalump named Hector, who aims to control the Hundred Acre Wood's sweet supply.
Producer Piglet revealed that Hector will team up with two other iconic Pooh baddies - Rabbit's jealous cousin Rabies, and the mischievous Squirrel Sisters - to form an unstoppable villainy trio.