Acclaimed anime director Naoko Yamada turns her lifelong love of music into an immersive, synesthetic animated film at the intersection of sound and color.
beat sheet
Yamada saw directing 'The Colors Within' as her chance to finally 'form a band and present it to the whole world' - a dream come true for the visionary filmmaker.
By using sound and color to capture the 'atmosphere of the characters', Yamada aims to transport viewers into a transcendent, multisensory experience unlike anything they've seen in animation before.
Acclaimed anime director Naoko Yamada turns her lifelong love of music into an immersive, synesthetic animated film at the intersection of sound and color.
beat sheet
Yamada saw directing 'The Colors Within' as her chance to finally 'form a band and present it to the whole world' - a dream come true for the visionary filmmaker.
By using sound and color to capture the 'atmosphere of the characters', Yamada aims to transport viewers into a transcendent, multisensory experience unlike anything they've seen in animation before.